Suzhou Industrial Park

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Information session to interpret policies concerning cultural and sports industries

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SIP CBD Investment Promotion Center hosted an information session at International Building in SIP’s Jinji Lake CBD on Aug 20 when an official from SIP Culture, Sports and Tourism Office expounded on SIP’s policies concerning cultural and sports industries to about 90 people from local administrative offices and public institutions and enterprises engaged in operation of cultural and sports programs. 
At the event, the official gave the participants a detailed account of a series of policies designed to facilitate commercial marketing of culture and sports, and offered tips which related enterprises and organizations should follow to make sure they will benefit from the policies. She then answered the participants’ inquiries. 
Zhu Xiaoyan, deputy director of Jinji Lake CBD Administrative Committee, spoke at the event, hoping the local cultural and sports business operators can make full use of the information acquired at the event to strive for a better future development and make cultural and sports industries a new driver for local economic development.

August 21, 2019