Suzhou Industrial Park

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Diverse events to enrich residents’ cultural and spiritual life

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Communities in SIP’s Hudong sub-district recently organized a variety of events in the hope of helping local residents enrich their cultural and spiritual life. 
Xiangmao Community hosted an event on July 2, aiming to enhance children’s awareness of fire prevention. In the event, the participating children watched a video on fire prevention, partook in a prize-giving quiz on survival skills in fire accidents, and made paper fire extinguishers. 
In the event in Xinghu Garden Residential Quarter on July 1, the residents were treated to the antiwar and patriotic film “Operation Red Sea” which is based on the evacuation of hundreds of Chinese citizens from Yemen’s southern port of Aden during late March in 2015 Yemeni Civil War. The event also included a painting session where lots of local children drew a picture scroll together to mark the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. 
In the event in Jingcheng Community, following the volunteer teacher’s demonstration and instruction, the participating kids made beautiful key chains using shrink plastic.

July 5, 2019