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SIPCPA holds annual meeting

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SIP Credit Promotion Association (SIPCPA), an 80-member non-profit organization founded in SIP in 2015 with the mission to help enhance social and commercial credit, held the 2019 Annual Meeting cum 1st Session of the 2nd Member Representatives' Congress at Jinji Lake Shilla Hotel, SIP on Jan 10.

The event started with a review of SIPCPA's work last year and a roundup of its future plans. Representatives from several of SIPCPA members delivered keynote speeches.

Following that, the SIPCPA members elected the new council members and voted through the amendments to the Articles of SIPCPA.

Moreover, SIPCPA declared six local service associations and bank offices as the "Best Partners in 2018", and signed agreements with several partners for further expansion and improvement of its services.

January 10, 2019