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Shared community school to launch autumn courses

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Dongshahu Shared Community School in SIP's Dongshahu sub-district is now advertising among the local residents a package of autumn courses in 56 categories.

The school was founded in March, with a headquarters at the local neighborhood center and nine branches in different communities across the sub-district. It offers regular courses in spring, autumn and summer and winter vacations, with the hope of helping the participants enrich their life and gain new knowledge and skills. Each lesson costs RMB 11 at most, and the money earned is used for the school's operations.

The autumn courses offer a wide range of options, such as those on exercises devised for six- to nine-month-olds, extracurricular tutorials for young school students and those on dancing, photography and baking. Many residents in different age brackets have shown interest in them.

August 29, 2018