Suzhou Industrial Park

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School teachers and students visit water supply plant

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A group of students and teachers from Dushu Lake school recently visited SIP Xinggang Street Water Supply Plant, where they acquired a better understanding of water processing and supply techniques and procedures.

The event is part of the "Green Classes" program jointly undertaken by CS Public Utilities (CSPU) and the SIP General Branch of Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party. The program is designed to arouse the public's awareness of environmental protection through a series of visits to public utilities and publicity campaigns at schools and communities.

The plant is one of SIP's two waterworks that came into service in 1998. The visitors watched lake water being turned into drinking water and waste water being treated through automatic and smart devices, and learned more details about water quality testing and standards.

"Compared with classroom learning, on-site observations are more direct and efficient ways to help the students deeply understand knowledge on resources and environmental protection," the teacher who led the visit said.

May 14, 2018