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Li Ying: open the door to the world for SBT

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It is a common scene in the rehearsal room at Suzhou Ballet Theatre (SBT) that Li Ying, art director of the only professional ballet troupe in Jiangsu province, trains the performers rigorously and fastidiously, trying to make each of their movements perfect.

SBT has achieved a fast development since its founding in 2007 and is now endeavoring to boost its international influence. As a pillar of the production crew, Li tries her utmost to help SBT achieve its goals, though it costs her a great deal of time and energy.

"We have staged a number of original ballets like Tang Yi and Xi Shi home and abroad and received positive response from the audiences. It is one of our goals to help people overseas acquire a better understanding of Suzhou city and Chinese culture as well through our performances," Li said, with full confidence in the future.

March 8, 2018