Suzhou Industrial Park

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SIP Enterprises Actively Partner with Volunteer Service Teams

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July 2 witnessed the launch of Suzhou Industrial Park Public-benefit Partnership Program alongside with volunteer project acknowledgement. On the spot, 28 volunteer service project teams set up stands to respond to inquiries while 15 teams in need of funds made presentations, and public-minded SIP enterprises acknowledged their partnerships with volunteer teams. 8 registered teams and 10 non-registered teams found their partners in locating service recipients or project sources.

Based on volunteer service projects, the program aims to effect connections between the volunteer service providers, funding enterprises, and beneficiaries. Through previous project promotion screening, 28 public-benefit volunteer projects were finalized, covering services for the care of the elderly, the youth, the disabled, and other special groups as well as educational and cultural undertakings.

A responsible person of SIP Publicity Office expressed that the program was intended to put public resources to better use and guide the public-benefit volunteer service to more specific purposes. The 28 volunteer service projects will be publicized in commercial media and posters to appeal to more extensive participation of public-minded people.

July 3, 2015