Suzhou Industrial Park

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SIP uses wasps to prevent invasion of American white moths

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As one of the biological prevention means, on Aug 3, more than 2,500 tussah pupae with Chouioia cunea Yang, a parasitic wasp that kills moths, were placed in several SIP parks to prevent American white moths.

American white moths, an alien invasive species with an amazing production speed, can damage 200 kinds of trees and crops. Chouioia cunea Yang, a parasitic wasp in the pupae of American white moths, is a natural enemy of the invasive insect and known as the Forest Guard.

To prevent American white moths with Chouioia cunea Yang is one of the important measures SIP Municipal Services Group has taken in recent years. This attempt may increase the community number of wild Chouioia cunea Yang and efficiently prevent the invasion of American white moths.


Aug 10, 2017