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Old Buildings Demolished in Preparation for SIP Station Commercial Complex

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On August 7, several trucks roared into the deserted Yida Precision Engineering at Weiting Town and started to tear down the buildings. This indicates the start of demolishing work at phase-1 area of Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity Railway SIP Station commercial complex. The developer has acquired most of the land from enterprises in the area and has accomplished 90% of the total measurement and evaluation work.

According to the plan, the commercial complex covers 1.5 square kilometers land with a planned total construction area of three million square meters, dedicating 300,000 square meters to business facilities, 700,000 to offices, and two million to residential and supporting facilities.

Deputy GM Chen Mengmeng of SIP City Reconstruction told the reporter that the project would create "a new business, culture, and tourism center" in three to five years.

August 8, 2012