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Sub-district’s staff training program wraps up

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SIP’s Hudong dub-district launched a training program called T.A.G (referring to “Training for Advancing and Growing”) on March 22 in a move to help local administrative staff in different lines of work enhance their service abilities and skills. The program wrapped up following the last training session under the program was finished on Sept 20.
The program included 26 sessions to teach the trainees workplace etiquette, communication skills, PowerPoint presentation skills and other knowledge and skills that they need in their work. A number of government officials, university professors and local social work supervisors joined it as lecturers.
The trainees’ performance during the training period was assessed based on a credit system. Each of them was required to acquire at least 2.5 credit points, and they were allowed to take inter-disciplinary subjects to earn credit points. At the closing ceremony, ten high performers received certificates of honor.

October 9, 2019