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World's first whole pangolin genome sequencing finished at XJTLU

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An international research team led by Dr. Siew Woh Choo, director of Medical & Technology Research Center and professor at School of Biological Sciences of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), has sequenced for the first time worldwide the whole genome of pangolin, or scaly anteater, according to a recent announcement. Their findings are believed to be helpful for learning about the endangered species' immune system, and could be beneficial to understanding human immunity.

"We want to help save the species. The research will enable us to know what we can do for them," Choo said. "Besides, we found the IFNE gene, which is functionless in two pangolin families, plays an important role in the immunity of human skin. So, we are trying to make the pangolin genome a comparison model for study on human immunity."

Suzhou Daily
October 15, 2018