Suzhou Industrial Park

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SIP Local Taxation Bureau Submits the List of 457 Discreditable Corporate Legal Persons

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In August, Suzhou Industrial Park Local Taxation Bureau acted in accordance with the requirements in "Implementation Methods of Punishment for Discreditable Behaviors of Social Legal Persons (on Trial Basis)" by submitting the list of enterprises that had performed deeds of discredit prohibited in the said document to the SIP Credit Office for public announcement.

457 corporate legal persons in SIP have either delayed tax payment in excess of 100 yuan or for two years straight within three years are listed as Type-IV discreditable legal persons (serious breach of regulations), and SIP Local Taxation Bureau requested SIP Credit Office to have them filed up. Among 457 discreditable legal persons, 30 are deemed as ordinary discredit, 33 as fairly serious discredit, and the rest 394 are denounced for serious breach of credit. The act of SIP Local Taxation Bureau is regarded as a resolute measure in strengthening administration, enhancing cooperation, and promoting social credibility in the process of modernized tax administration over the last 3 years.

August 26, 2015