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SIP-based biomedicine companies seek new hires at SJTU

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As part of SIP’s autumn talent recruitment program that was launched in September to give SIP-based enterprises a helping hand in their recruitment, a job fair was held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai on Nov 24. It was, however, not for all the job hunters, but only for those looking to start a career in the biomedicine sector.
According to SIP Human Resources Development Co Ltd (SIPHRD), organizer of events under the program, the job fair at SJTU is the last of three specialized job fairs targeting three emerging industries. 
Many students from SJTU and its neighboring schools attended the job fair, trying to learn as much as possible about SIP and job opportunities there and communicating with the recruiters face-to-face. It is worth mentioning that among the job applicants are some overseas students who showed great interest in working in SIP.

November 25, 2019