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"Implements Institute" set up at SISO

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"Implements Institute" was inaugurated at Suzhou Industrial Park Institute of Services Outsourcing (SISO) Wednesday afternoon, when Modern Ceramics Exhibition "Great Form is Shapeless" by Jim Leedy was unveiled in SISO's library at the same time.

Initiated jointly by abstract expressionist artist Jim Leedy and Wang Sha in Kansas City in 2015, the Implements project is dedicated to abstract expressionist creation and activating local culture by means of art, fashion, commerce, leisure activities, etc.

As Implements' first educational project, the establishment of Implements Institute at SISO has not only innovated the library's management mode, but also built a cozy cultural space where students can read, exchange and share knowledge and experience.

At the Implements Institute, teachers and students can have an intimate contact with books, tea ceremony, calligraphy and various designs, appreciate over 30 ceramic works by Jim Leedy; they can also learn to make ceramic articles and take their works home with them.

Source: Gusu Evening, December 22, 2016.