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SIP No.6 Middle School Holds Oath-taking Ceremony for Eighth Graders on Joining Communist Youth League

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On May 4, the Grade-8 students of Suzhou Industrial Park No.6 Middle School were vowing at the ceremony for joining the Chinese Communist Youth League in loud, resolute articulation: "I hereby join the Chinese Communist Youth League of my own accord, and I firmly support the leadership of the Communist Party of China..." With warm recollection of what they had gained in the Young Pioneer days, they were marching confidently onto youth.

Fourteen years of age, they bid farewell to their childhood, untied their red scarves amidst the poem recitation "Farewell to the Red Scarf", and opened a new chapter in their life. Many of the newly admitted League members expressed that they would put strict demand on themselves and strive to be excellent League members and "always ready for the cause of communism".

May 5, 2016