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SIP enterprises provide convenience for working mothers

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Twenty eight enterprises, public institutions and individuals were cited on June 15 for their efforts in supporting the "Mothers'Cabins" program initiated in SIP last year.

The program was designed to provide convenience for working mothers. Lyu Jie, vice chairperson of SIP Federation of Trade Unions, disclosed that more enterprises, institutions and individuals will join the program this year, and 30 more "Mothers'Cabins" are expected to be established.

Currently, SIP has 300,000 female employees. Therefore, it is an urgent need to provide rooms in workplaces for working mothers to comfortably breastfeed their babies and rest.

In one year's time, 33 enterprises and public institutions have joined the program. They have organized about 30 free workshops for about 1,000 pregnant and lactating women as well as those who are preparing to have a baby.



Gusu Evening News
June 16, 2017