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SIP Set Up Administrative Approving Bureau

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On the afternoon of August 21, Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Approving Bureau was officially unveiled, which marked a milestone progress in transforming SIP Government functions and simplifying administrative powers, as well as a significant step in deepening reform and accelerating transformation and upgrading.

The newly established bureau is empowered with centralized functions of processing and approving applications in classified categories, in both static and dynamic states, and with complete coverage of administrative systems. As the main administrative body accountable for all approvals and consequences, the bureau plays more centralized functions, and as a result, the former 30 departments and offices with over 80 staff members and 16 official seals are downsized into 3 functional departments with 16 office clerks and a single special seal. Besides, the bureau also takes the various administrative service windows within SIP under its unified control to build a standardized service system with complete coverage of all SIP service windows.

August 22, 2015