Suzhou Industrial Park

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Education Hall Put on Online for Diligent and Honest Administration

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On May 20, the education hall on diligent and honest administration, as part of the "Suzhou Industrial Park Online Administrative Information", was officially put into use.

The hall was jointly completed by SIP procuratorate and CPC SIP Discipline Inspection Working Committee (SIP Supervisory Bureau) after a year's preparations with the aim to promote honest administration and devotion to official duties in the construction of "Honest SIP".

3D technology, integrated effects of sound, graphics, words, video, and the 3-dimensional virtual technology are adopted in the education hall to represent verisimilitude of scenes and give visitors desirable visual experience. Different from the real-object education hall, this online setup is able to store up and update massive educational resources conveniently, and at the same time saves land and fund of construction without temporal and spatial restrictions.   

May 21, 2015