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Pin Von at Pingjiang Road

Date:2022-08-31 09:57|Source: |Visits:

Pin Von was founded during the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1875-1908). In the last century, a saying in Suzhou went like this: “Listen to opera at Wu Yuan, and drink tea at Pin Von”, which shows the status of the teahouse.

In 2008, Pin Von was relocated to Pingjiang Road, where its time-honored tea, wine, desserts and snacks continue to win it an endless stream of guests.

Guests who visit the teahouse in the morning usually order a pot of tea and several types of desserts as their first meal for the day.

△ Black tea and pan-fried steamed buns, sticky rice balls, Biluochun tea cakes and spring rolls

Through a window, guests can see beautiful buildings with white walls and black tiles.
