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2022 VWIE-SIP expected to help lure more talents to SIP

Date:2022-07-29 15:34|Source: |Visits:

The 2022 VWIE-SIP consisted of 20 events to link talents with industries. It offered good chances for global talents to learn about SIP, share their expertise and seek opportunities to join the thriving industrial upgrading in SIP.

It is reported that VWIE-SIP has helped attract 406 leading talents along with 1,431 innovation and startup projects to SIP since 2009. These projects have played a big part in the development of the electronic information, high-end manufacturing, biomedicine, nanotech, AI and other industrial clusters in SIP.

At the opening ceremony of the 2022 VWIE-SIP, the JJLake Business Center Frankfurt was inaugurated to help introduce overseas talents to SIP.

Additionally, SIP’s iDream and iHome platforms were unveiled. iDream offers online information about jobs and policies to high-caliber talents who intend to work in SIP, while iHome provides information about houses and house purchasing and renting policies tailored for various talents.
