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SIP-HMITZ takes a series of measures to ensure smooth logistics for enterprises

Date:2022-07-29 15:39|Source: |Visits:

SIP High-end Manufacturing and International Trade Zone (SIP-HMITZ) has taken a series of measures to help enterprises resolve logistics problems caused by the epidemic.

In addition to providing assistance for eligible enterprises to apply for temporary passes from the city-level authorities for cargo transportation amid the epidemic-related lockdowns, the SIP-HMITZ authorities teamed up with several logistics service companies and organizations to develop smart logistics management platforms to help improve the efficiency of cargo delivery.

SIP-based customs broker SIP Customs Declaration Co Ltd developed the Yunhutong platform. It integrates cloud computing, 5G, Beidou navigation and AI technologies to provide live updates on the location and status of cargos in transportation as well as give alarms on disruptions and generate solutions based on smart data analysis.

SIP Port, the only container port in SIP, made great efforts to expand its barge shipping capacity and help enterprises shift from land routes to waterways for transportation of containers.

SIP Port Logistics Co Ltd (SIPPL), a state-owned logistics service company in SIP-HMITZ, launched a comprehensive digital cargo space booking system for enterprises in need of sea transportation.
