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Publicity campaigns help enterprises better understand laws and regulations on work safety

Date:2022-07-29 15:24|Source: |Visits:

The Work Safety Month campaigns in SIP included a variety of publicity events to help local enterprises better understand the laws and regulations on work safety.

SIP has adopted a set of measures to propel effective work safety management based on the “Fifteen Measures” that the State Council is rolling out nationwide to strengthen workplace safety accountability and prevent major accidents. The publicity events allowed the enterprises to gain a better understanding of the measures.

The publicity efforts started on the very beginning of the one-month program, when the participants watched a video on responsibilities that different parties shall bear for safety guarantee in workplaces and a number of enterprises in SIP signed the letter of commitment to good safety management.

Additionally, an orienteering was held, with 11 teams competing to answer questions about safety laws and regulations at different control points.
