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Online events promote spread of safety awareness and tips

Date:2022-07-29 15:27|Source: |Visits:

SIP High-end Manufacturing and International Trade Zone (SIP-HMITZ) organized a series of online events that allowed wide and fast spread of safety awareness and tips.


In the live stream on June 1, the authorities of SIP-HMITZ announced to launch the Work Safety Month campaigns and to run for the first time the “One Helps Three” program to join the efforts of authorities, social organizations and enterprises for good safety management. More than 20,000 people from over 1,400 enterprises viewed the live stream.

The event also included a lecture where a researcher from Suzhou Emergency Management Bureau gave the viewers a talk on the country’s Work Safety Law, underlining enterprises’ responsibilities for safety guarantee and accountability and risk control mechanisms they can use for safety management.


SIP-HMITZ also saw a series of other online activities for the same purpose, such as the lectures, short video exhibition and knowledge contest on the WeChat platform.
