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LCR 2018 wraps up

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The Lake Cup Regatta (LCR) 2018 that kicked off in SIP on Oct 12 wrapped up on Oct 14. About 200 domestic and overseas racers, including both professionals and amateurs, competed in a series of races, and the winners received awards at the closing ceremony.

LCR, an annual event initiated in 2011 for the purpose of popularizing water sports nationwide, is not only a sports event, but also a feast of culture, fashion and tourism. Each year, it gives the participants and spectators unique experiences.

"This year's event saw a record number of contestants and more professionals in several of the races compared with the previous sessions," the event's director Zhou Yi said, adding that the competition rules were modified to meet international norms.

Moreover, the event incorporated a paramotor race for the first time, along with flash mob shows and live streams that increased the citizens' enthusiasm for it.

October 14, 2018