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Jinji Lake CBD looks amazing in the shift to winter

Date:2022-11-10 13:02:12|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The Jinji Lake CBD in SIP looks amazing in the shift from autumn to winter. Though the north wind has brought a nip in the air, many plants still show their gorgeous autumn wear against the elaborately designed man-made landscapes between them.

The plants’ color show is still going on. The golden, red and jade green colors are the dominant hues.

Leaves of the ginkgo trees sway in the breeze, ready for a dance in the air.

The red maple trees in the parks and on the banks of Jinji Lake have intense fall colors from orange-red to crimson, making every place where they stand a beautiful painting.

Stone walkways wind through the trees, or run along the lakeshore.

The sun sets earlier, and the sunset glow often renders the CBD orange-pink.

Temperature has dropped, and a romantic snowfall can be expected.

November 8, 2022

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