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SIP looks forward to date with more tourists in this spring

Date:2021-04-09 10:56:07|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP is inviting tourists to “have a date with it” in this spring, promising to give them wonderful, unforgettable experiences.

SIP boasts a huge variety of widely sought-after tourist attractions including Jinji Lake Scenic Area and Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort. It recorded 513,900 tourist arrivals during the Chinese Qingming Festival holiday from Apr 3 to 5.

Many people came to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery, while others were attracted by the diversified cultural and art events, such as the 6th Jinji Lake Peach Flowers Festival which, scheduled from Apr 3 to May 5, incorporates sightseeing tours, opera  and folk music performances and a bazaar full of creative products of traditional and trendy styles.

The three-month British Museum×Hello Kitty Egyptian Adventure Pop-up Store opened on Apr 1, selling Hello Kitty-themed products inspired by British Museum’s collection items from Egypt and offering visitors chances to experience ancient Egyptian culture among the mockups of Egyptian pyramids, sun temples and god statues.

Apart from that, there are also many art performances, such as the ballet “Tang Yin”, and exhibitions, such as the China Pastel Annual Exhibition that will last till Apr 18, along with delicious food.

April 7, 2021

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