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Stan Lai to open studio in SIP

Date:2020-10-22 11:10:12|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Stan Lai, or Lai Shengchuan, an award-winning US-born Taiwan-based playwright and theater director, announced on Oct 19 to open a studio in SIP. The studio focusing on performing art is expected to become an iconic cultural project in Suzhou.

Lai, holding a PhD in Dramatic Art from UC Berkeley, is well-known for a list of his plays including “A Dream Like A Dream”, “Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land” and “The Village”. Several of the works received positive response from the audiences when they were staged at SIP’s Suzhou Culture and Arts Centre.

“I’ve visited Suzhou many times, and is deeply impressed by the profound ancient culture and modern artistic atmosphere here,” Lai said, adding that he will seek to make contributions to the development of theater art and cultivation of related professionals in Suzhou based on the new studio.


October 20, 2020

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