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Sino-French poetry recitation session held on Yangcheng Lake bank

Date:2022-10-31 16:27:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The poetry recitation session held in the campsite by the Yangcheng Lake in SIP on Oct 29 offered a number of expatriates and literature and recitation enthusiasts a good chance to deeply understand Chinese and French poetry.

The event was part of the French Literature Reading Week of the first Suzhou Jinji Lake China-France Culture and Art Week that is underway in SIP.

It was actually more than a recitation event, since there were singing performances, films and food which allowed the participants to learn about French culture in a comprehensive way.

For example, the event started with French song “Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles”, and films like The Chorus, Paris, Je T'Aime and La môme were shown.

October 30, 2022

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