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Xingtang Study opens in Xietang Sub-district

Date:2023-12-26 11:41:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA


Xingtang Study, a joint establishment by SIP’s Xietang Sub-district and Zuo Wang Shu Wu, a bookstore chain, opened in the sub-district on Dec 22. It is free to the public from 9:00am to 5:00pm between Tuesday and Sunday.


Located on the fourth floor of Xietang Resident Service Center, Xingtang Study boasts a floor space of 500 square meters. It provides about 20,000 books in five categories.


Xingtang Study has special zones for children, performances, rest, public-benefit activities and meetings. It hosts diverse events such as those on art, culture and history, and parent-child reading sessions.

Registered readers who have borrowed 10 books from Xingtang Study and shared their feelings on the Wish Wall can get a “reading passport”. The holders of the “reading passport” can earn stamps by participating reading activities, and exchange them for creative cultural products or tickets to public-benefit salon sessions. So far, the study has hosted six salon sessions of such kind.



Xietang Study also has six study rooms which readers can use based on a reservation at the reception.

December 25, 2023

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