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Inclusive carbon trading system launched in SIP

Date:2022-11-21 12:59:14|Source:|Font Size: AAA

An inclusive carbon trading system, the first market-based inclusive carbon trading system for voluntary carbon transactions in the country, was launched in SIP on Nov 16 to encourage low-carbon business operations.

At the launching ceremony, SIP Administrative Committee, State Grid Suzhou Power Supply Company and Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange signed an agreement to cooperate in projects concerning carbon emission reduction validation and carbon trading and use within the system.

SIP published the implementation plan and management measures for the system, and an operation center with State Grid Corporation SIP Branch playing a leading role was formed for the operation of the system.

Concurrently, the SIP Smart Carbon Reduction Service Platform was put into use to provide carbon emission reduction validation services. A total of 15 PV power enterprises have joined the platform, and more than 20 enterprises have shown intention to purchase carbon offsets through the system.

Chen Xia, a researcher from SIP Economic Development Committee, said the system begins with distributed PV power generation projects but is expected to incorporate more diversified projects for emission reduction and be connected with similar systems in other cities in the future.

November 16, 2022

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