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SIP sees new progress in the construction of rail transit lines

Date:2022-05-31 09:56:02|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP recently saw new progress in the projects of the rail transit lines 6, 7 and 8 of Suzhou.

“Harmony 1”, a shielding machine, set to work at the You’an Street Station of the Suzhou Rail Transit Line 8 on May 10 to bore a tunnel to the Zhongtang Park Station. The right lane between the two stations is scheduled to complete in late September, and the left lane in late October.

The main structure of the Yangdong Road Station of Suzhou Rail Transit Line 7 was roofed on May 6, two months ahead of schedule.

The “CREC 872” shielding machine recently fulfilled its task of building a tunnel through the Gangtian Road Station and the Jinjiayan Station of Suzhou Rail Transit Line 6, marking the completion of the first tunnel in the east section of the line.

May 24, 2022

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