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Crab farmers promise to protect environment when farming crabs in lake

Date:2022-05-20 10:28:43|Source:|Font Size: AAA

By May 16, 872 households of crab farmers in SIP’s Weiting Sub-district had signed the letter of commitment to follow the environmental protection rules when farming crabs in the Yangcheng Lake.

The farmers use nets to raise crabs in the east and middle parts of the lake which cover a total area of about 5,000 mu (3.3 square kilometers). They have promised that they will not use electricity, poison or explosive to catch crabs, and will adopt eco-friendly aquaculture approaches.


The sub-district authorities said they will enhance supervision over the crab farming activities to urge and help the farmers modify or change their boats for environmental protection purposes, and curb catering services in boats to protect the water from pollution.

May 18, 2022

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