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SIP Procuratorate declared one of “National Culturally Advanced Units”

Date:2020-12-02 09:37:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP Procuratorate was declared one of the country’s “National Culturally Advanced Units” lately for its high performance in promoting cultural and ideological progress.

SIP Procuratorate has been paying high attention to improving its services to promote cultural and ideological progress since its inception in 2004.

Early this year, SIP Procuratorate issued a 12-article guidance to accelerate legal procedures concerning enterprises in order to support business resumption amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

SIP Procuratorate also offers public interest litigation services to help solve problems concerning local residents’ rights and interests and improve local governance. For example, it has sent out over 10 “Risk Warning Letters” so far this year to organizations or authorities to remind them of risks in financial operations or other aspects.

Apart from that, SIP Procuratorate carries out online publicity campaigns and offline lectures and other events to disseminate legal knowledge among the public.

November 30, 2020

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