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Important Reminder of Epidemic Prevention and Control of Suzhou

Date:2022-05-12 14:50:26|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Important Reminder of Epidemic Prevention and Control of Suzhou

To effectively control the spread of COVID-19 and protect people’s lives and health, this reminder hereby specifies the following rules:

1. Those from cities in Jiangsu province that have no medium-risk or high-risk areas and have seen no new infections at the community level in the past 14 days can travel within the city in an orderly manner once they provide 48-hour negative nucleic acid test results. Those who cannot provide the result should take a test within 24 hours after arriving in Suzhou and another one within 72 hours after arrival.

2. Those coming from medium-risk and high-risk areas or having travel records that overlap with those of positive cases will be subject to the existing management measures.

3. Please follow official WeChat accounts “苏州发布” (ID: suzhoufabu365) and “苏州健康” (ID: health_suzhou) for medium-risk and high-risk areas and areas that have reported cases at the community level within 14 days.

Relevant prevention and control measures will be dynamically adjusted according to the epidemic situation. We call on all citizens to continue taking self-imposed prevention measures, including wearing face masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating and disinfecting more often, and maintaining social distance, and actively cooperate in various epidemic control efforts.

Suzhou Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters Office
May 10, 2022


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