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Six projects expected to increase SIP’s school enrollment by more than 10,000

Date:2023-03-10 16:26:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Six school building, renovation and expansion projects that are underway in SIP are expected to help increase school enrollment in the area by more than 10,000 after they are completed late this year.

The Weiting Experimental Primary School and the East Campus of Xingwan School are being expanded. New facilities including classroom buildings and canteens are being built.

The Weijing Road School, a new nine-year education school designed to house 99 classes, is being built in Dushu Lake Science & Education Innovation Zone, while a primary school designed to house 18 classes is being built at the left bank of Jinji Lake.

Suzhou Industrial Park No. 8 Middle School and Jingyuan Kindergarten are being reconstructed.

March 9,2023

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