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Wu Hong leads a survey of development of nanomaterials industry chain

Date:2024-09-04 15:57:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Wu Hong, deputy secretary of the CPC SIP Working Committee and director of SIP Administrative Committee, led a survey tour to several enterprises in SIP on Sept 2 to learn about the development of the nanomaterials industry chain.

The survey team visited Suzhou SVG Tech Group Co Ltd, a company engaged in developing optoelectronic materials and devices in the fields of information photonics and advanced display, Dogain Optoelectronic Technology (Suzhou) Co Ltd, which is dedicated to high-end laser chip design and manufacturing, and Nuovo Film Inc, a company which develops and makes nanomaterials.

The survey team learned details about the enterprises’ conditions, core technologies and products, business plans and needs for help from local authorities, and encouraged them to enhance their efforts to make technological innovations and seek stronger development.

September 3, 2024

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