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Wu Hong meets with Philips management

Date:2024-09-12 11:28:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Wu Hong, deputy secretary of CPC SIP Working Committee and director of SIP Administrative Committee, met with Bert van Meurs, executive vice president and chief business leader of image guided therapy at Philips and a member of the Royal Philips Executive Committee, and his contingent on Sept 10.

The renowned Dutch health technology company Philips runs a number of facilities in SIP, including a comprehensive imaging products manufacturing and development base, an R&D center, and the Philips Global Business Services (Suzhou). And a new project was signed earlier this year.

Wu extended welcome to the guests, and thanked Philips for its contributions to local economic development. He emphasized the important role that the biomedical and health industries played in SIP’s development and hoped Philips would bring more high-quality projects, outstanding technologies and advanced concepts to SIP. Wu said SIP would provide better services to help Philips expand their presence in Chinese market.

Bert van Meurs said SIP was a very important partner of Philips and the company planned to make more investment in more projects in SIP in the future.

September 11, 2024

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