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College orientations help new students know better about SIP

Date:2024-10-30 09:24:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The universities and colleges in SIP’s Suzhou Dushu Lake Sci-Edu Innovation District held diverse events over the past two months to welcome the new students and help them know better about SIP and the city of Suzhou where it is located.

Soochow University Dushu Lake Campus, Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research of the University of Science and Technology of China, the Suzhou campuses of Renmin University of China and Southeast University and many other schools upgraded their orientations for their first-year students.

Grand ceremonies were held to welcome the students, and volunteer services provided to give them a helping hand in finishing enrollment and exploring campus.

Presentations about SIP’s economic and social development, job opportunities, business environment and living conditions were given to the students.

Tours, parties and other events were organized to help the students get used to local life.

October 29, 2024

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