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Enterprise in YLPTR recognized as a leader in the field of low-altitude economy

Date:2024-04-23 08:57:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Suzhou RGADG Transportation Development Co Ltd, the operator of a heliport in SIP’s Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort (YLPTR) was declared one of the leaders in the field of low-altitude economy at the conference that the government of Suzhou held recently for the purpose of driving development of low-altitude economy.

The heliport, covering a land area of about 60,000 square meters, was opened in 2014 to provide helicopter tours, pilot training, emergency rescue and helicopter maintenance services.

The heliport provides three kinds of helicopter rides for people to enjoy unique views of Suzhou from the sky.

This month, YLPTR and the heliport jointly put an aviation camp into operation. Campers can enjoy amazing bird’s-eye views of the Yangcheng, Jinji and Dushu lakes. The aviation camp also offers customized flights and transportation and emergency medical rescue services.

The heliport also organizes events for children and teenagers to experience helicopter rides and learn knowledge about aviation.

April 22, 2024

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