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Industrial facilities to be renovated

Date:2023-03-20 14:28:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP Xingcan Yarns Co Ltd, a private company in SIP’s Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort, recently received the permit from local authorities for the renovation of its facilities on a 9.66-mu (6,440-square-meter) land plot in the resort. The project is expected to become a typical case in renovation of industrial facilities for the purpose of improving the utilization efficiency of industrial land.

The company decided to demolish the old facilities and build new ones including an underground parking lot to turn this place into an industrial cluster with well-arranged buildings and beautiful environment for companies engaged in such sectors as high-end equipment manufacturing, medical devices and semiconductors.

The total floor area of the new facilities will be 17,673.23 square meters, while the plot ratio will reach 2.23 and the greening rate 22.52%.

March 17, 2023

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