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A startup class opens in Xietang Sub-district

Date:2023-03-21 11:41:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

A two-day startup class opened in SIP’s Xietang Sub-district recently, attracting over 60 startup founders and residents intending to launch a business.

The class was reportedly part of a long-term tutorship program that the sub-district runs for the purpose of offering local residents opportunities to learn entrepreneurship.

Wang Cheng, an SYB (Start Your Business) trainer and a Level-2 enterprise human resource manager, Chen Li, an expert in labor laws, Chen Dongyu, a professor at the Business School of Soochow University, and Yang Xinhua, an entrepreneurship training lecturer, gave lectures to the trainees.

The first lesson was about community-based online business, where Wang gave the trainees a talk on ways of starting and running a business relying on online communities on popular social media platforms.

The other lessons focused on AI application in business, salary structure design and financial and tax management, which all received positive response from the trainees.

March 20, 2023

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