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SIP BioBAY hosts job fair to attract talents

Date:2023-03-21 11:38:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

BioBAY, a biomedicine cluster in SIP, hosted a job fair on Mar 15 in an effort to lend local enterprises engaged in bio-pharmaceuticals and high-end medical devices a hand in recruiting new hires from higher education institutions.

A total of 140 organizations including hospitals and enterprises offered more than 2,500 job vacancies which attracted over 1,500 graduating students from Soochow University, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and other Suzhou-based schools and those from Shanghai and other places.

During the job fair, the employers gave the job hunters introductions to their conditions, jobs and pay and benefits for employees, and answered the applicants’ inquiries.

The event also offered an opportunity for the participating enterprises, hospitals and schools to discuss cooperation in talent cultivation.

March 20, 2023

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