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People draw graffiti to commemorate Cezanne

Date:2022-11-29 18:44:47|Source:|Font Size: AAA

More than 10 artists and art-loving grown-ups and children drew graffiti on a long “wall” at Ui ART Center in SIP on Nov 26 to commemorate French painter Paul Cezanne, whose works are being shown at the center in an immersive way.

The Paul Cezanne art exhibition opened at Ui ART Center in August, and will last till December. Starting from The Four Seasons created by Paul Cezanne between 1860 and 1861, the exhibits show the life of the artist in four periods.

In the event, the participants gave full play to their imagination and creativity to express their understanding of art on the “Wall for Doers”. The outcome is pretty stunning.

November 26, 2022

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