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Junshi Biosciences’ biomedicine headquarters in SIP sees new progress

Date:2022-11-25 14:31:33|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Junshi Biosciences, a Shanghai-based biopharmaceutical company with a branch in SIP, made new progress in its building of a biomedicine headquarters in SIP Enterprise Headquarters Base.

Junshi Biosciences is an innovation-driven R&D company focused on developing therapeutic antibodies. It is a leading developer of tumor immunotherapy and therapies for treatment of autoimmune and metabolic diseases.

The project, with a land area of 21.2 mu (about 14,100 square meters) and a total floor area of about 99,000 square meters, comprises a 59.95-meter-high south tower, 79.95-meter-high north tower and a 23.95-meter-high annex, which will cost RMB 600 million in total.

Currently, 45% of the fourth-layer earth excavation has been completed, and the whole project is expected to complete in early 2025.

November 23, 2022

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