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Medical workers and teachers can enjoy Paul Cezanne art exhibition free of charge

Date:2022-11-25 14:25:48|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Medical workers and teachers have the chance to enjoy the Paul Cezanne art exhibition at SIP’s Ui ART Center free of charge this month.

“It is a way to thank medical workers and teachers for their contributions to the society. We hope they can feel relaxed and inspired by viewing the artworks,” the art center said.

The exhibition offers the viewers a good opportunity to appreciate the attainments of French Post-Impressionist painter Paul Cezanne and learn about his life.

Some art teachers even drew paintings on site after viewing the exhibits.


The art center said it had also devised a series of events for the “thanksgiving season” which include a workshop on traditional opera, DIY activities and the Candle Light Concert on the Thanksgiving Day on Nov 24.

November 23, 2022

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