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Public-benefit class program launched in Xietang Sub-district

Date:2022-09-22 12:24:37|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Xietang Sub-district Social Assistance Center recently launched a public-benefit class program called “Chasing Your Dream in the Company of Dulwich” in collaboration with SIP-based Suzhou Zlearn Technology Co Ltd and Dulwich College Suzhou to provide lessons on English, sciences and music to children and teenagers from financially challenged families in the sub-district.


The classes soon opened after the launching ceremony. As planned, each class consists of six sessions designed to help the participating children and teens broaden their horizons and acquire more knowledge.

In the first sessions, the English teacher led the students to play a game and do a project in group, the science teacher showed the students a video of the elephant toothpaste experiment, and the music teacher taught the students to play guzheng (a traditional Chinese plucked instrument) and guitar.


After that, the teachers showed the students around the National Safety Education Hall in SIP.


September 20, 2022

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