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Retired cadres’ calligraphy, painting and photography works on display

Date:2022-09-23 11:32:59|Source:|Font Size: AAA

A calligraphy, painting and photography exhibition kicked off at SIP Cultural Centre on Sept 20 to mark the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) that is scheduled in Beijing next month. On display are 252 works by retired cadres from around Suzhou.

It is learnt that the exhibits were selected from about 500 entries created by retired cadres who are apt at calligraphy, painting and photography. Among them are 141 calligraphy and painting works, and 111 photos. The exhibition will last till Sept 23.

The exhibits boast diversified content and styles to depict the CPC’s glories since its founding in 1921 and Suzhou’s social and economic achievements over the past few decades.

At the opening ceremony, Qian Jianzhong, chairman of Suzhou Retired Cadres’ Calligraphy and Painting Association, presented a calligraphy work to the Organization Department of CPC SIP Working Committee, one of the co-organizers of the event.

September 20, 2022

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