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Exhibition about museums in Paris

Date:2023-10-19 15:06|Source: |Visits:

The L'incontournable Des Musees De Paris exhibition, themed “Not Just ‘Versailles’”, opened at Ming Gallery of Art, SIP on Oct 21, and will last till Nov 21 to offer visitors a chance to savor the charm of 11 museums in Paris, France. It is also coupled with a series of activities aimed at promoting Sino-French cultural exchanges.

The exhibition is part of the Second Suzhou Jinji Lake China-France Culture and Art Week which kicked off in SIP on the same day. It showcases pictures, introductions and videos to tell stories about the museums in Paris, the city well-known for its perfect integration of Western history and art and also over 130 museums in its urban area.

Through the exhibits, the viewers can not only learn more about the museums, but also gain a better understanding of the history and culture behind them. The exhibition is expected to inspire the visitors to think about cultural heritage protection and the value of museums.
