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Media workers visit The Eight Hundred filming location

Date:2020-09-07 10:07:48|Source:|Font Size: AAA
A group of media workers from Xinhua News Agency, Economic Information Daily, China Tourism News and other media organizations visited SIP's Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort on Sept 2, when they attended a symposium on cultural tourism and visited the place where the recent blockbuster movie The Eight Hundred was filmed.
At the symposium, the media workers gained a better understanding of the development of local cultural tourism industry relying on a diversity of cultural and tourist facilities such as the filming base and the film-themed entertainment complex HB World.
They then enjoyed a tour around the 200-mu (13.3-hectare) filming base which boasts 68 buildings with 700 neon signs and a 200-meter man-made river for authentic representation of the history about the war between Chinese soldiers and Japanese invaders in Shanghai in 1937.
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