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Communities host events to enrich juveniles’ life

Date:2020-08-05 13:53:01|Source:|Font Size: AAA
Communities in SIP’s Huxi sub-district recently hosted various events aiming to enrich local juveniles’ life.
Dongfang Community organized an eloquence training session for a group of kids. In the process, the volunteer teacher told the kids a story about the importance of good eloquence for successes, and then taught them tongue twisters and guided them to imitate sounds of animals and give speeches on a stage. The event showed good effect in improving the kids’ speaking skills. 
Dushi Community offered a lesson on biped robots. In the event, the volunteer teacher expounded on biped robots’ functions and working principles to the participating juveniles, and demonstrated the assembly of a robot to them. The juveniles then built their own robots following the teacher’s instructions.
Huzuo’an Community hosted a parent-child sports meet where the participating families competed in a succession of fun games designed to enhance parent-child interactions.
In the event at Shihui Community, the juveniles gained a better understanding of traditional Suzhou-style fan making skills (a national intangible cultural heritage item), and learnt to draw pictures of lotus flowers on blank round fans. 
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